Tuesday, 6 July 2010

kramgasse trough mit blumen

a florist on kramgasse had decorated the trough with flowers.

G checked on the bear cubs, berna & urs, at barenpark.

Sunday, 4 July 2010

La Neuveville, Bern, Switzerland

we docked at La Neuveville on Lac de Bienne, and stopped for dinner.
The town is another charming surprise for me; we never would have stumbled on it without Urs & Pascale.

G's new BFF!

Anna was so sweet with G.

boating: lac de bienne & lac de neuchatel

Urs, Pascale, & Anna took us boating on Lac de Bienne & Lac de Neuchatel. G adores the family.
After bonding over chippies and chasing pigeons in Neuchatel, G is especially enchanted with Anna.
But the chippies are a rare treat!

Friday, 2 July 2010

Monday, 21 June 2010

Mallorca - our extra guest "John"

we found John at the Lake Elmo Park Reserve summer 2008.

G has now rejected John in favor of the i-pad....

Palma - Mallorca - Spain